Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Law has proclaimed every living thing illegal… literally.

Law has proclaimed every living thing illegal… literally.

DMT, “the spirit molecule,” has been shown to be part of the biochemical make-up of tens of thousands of organisms, from plants to reptiles and mammals. Current evidence points to the conclusion that it is a constituent of every plant & animal. DMT is everywhere. DMT also provides the most profound and curious psychedelic experience available when taken from an outside source. Theories as to why it is made in human bodies strongly suggest a relation with dream-states and possibly physical transition states such as birth and death. It is also involved in spontaneous mystical states and percieved phenomena such as ‘the third eye.’ DMT is illegal (schedule 1) and only one scientist has been allowed to even look at it’s effetcs in the past 40 years. …What is wrong with this picture?

The following video is interesting because it is a point of view from someone who has never experimented with DMT (other than the fact we are all already on it, so to speak). So while there are erroneous conclusions at least he isn’t weighed down with the rhapsodic impulse to language the mystery for the world that so many of the intiated have betokened.


“DMT Is Everywhere. DMT is… in this flower here, in that tree over there, and in yonder animal. It is, most simply, almost everywhere you choose to look.” Alexander Shulgin

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